How to develop a celebratory newsletter?

Themed Internal Newsletter Mockup

News Letter, Stock Image Development
Research, Layout, Asset Cataloging, Image Modification, A.I Image Generation

Quick Sketches

Inspired by a recent job posting, I practiced creating a newsletter mockup in Figma experimenting with the companies branding, utilizing stock images, modified Adobe Text to Vector illustrations, and generated text. The theme of the newsletter is to celebrate team members across all departments, inform each department of each other's accomplishments, and encourage employees to take advantage of benefits available to help reach their New Year's resolutions. Leaning on the concept of a penguin branded newsletter, I quick sketched a couple of versions of the page and initialy above a lofi sketch while I played with the silhouette of a penguin. Once I backed down to the basics I found a flow that I favored.

I found myself using many of the same techniques I teach, especially yearbook staff, on how to direct the viewers eye, use of color and page flow. Which should not be a surprise. I found working with Adobe Text to Vector Interesting which essentially became a customizable stock image generator.



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