How to pass on county history?

TCHC Website

Eleanor Holderman
Website Redesign
Research, Group Facilitation, Conceptualization, Web design, Web Development.

Design Sprint Collaboration

I met with Mrs. Holderman and the Tyler County Historical Commission's committee, and discussed the foundation for our collaborative project. During this initial meeting, we engaged in a design sprint, a dynamic session where we delved into defining the Commission's identity, purpose, audience, and overarching goals for the website redesign. The committee members, each passionate about their roles, shared insights into their areas of expertise, ranging from preserving cemeteries to educational outreach. This rich exchange of ideas and perspectives shaped our approach, ensuring that the website would not only be a repository of information but also a reflection of the community's spirit and the diverse roles of its members.

" Thanks to Eric's technical expertise and his personal approach, our goal of recreating our website was achieved. Be prepared to think! Your work with Eric will lead you to a deeper understanding of whatever your website is about. "

Eleanor Holderman

Chairman, Tyler Co. Historical Comm.

Need A Team Member?

I truly believe I could be an asset to your team. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you!